Video & Audio

April 12, 2023
Students and Director of Clinical Programs Sarah Shalf ’01 describe UVA Law’s 24 clinics and the learning opportunities they offer.
Archi Pyati and Sabrina Talukder
October 29, 2018
Archi Pyati, chief of policy for the Tahirih Justice Center in Washington, D.C., and Sabrina Talukder ’14, staff attorney with the Legal Aid Society of New York City, discussed the history of domestic violence asylum in the United States and the ways in which their organizations are addressing new hurdles in asylum law.
Peter Vincent
March 23, 2017
Peter S. Vincent '95, assistant director general of international policy at Borderpol, discusses how the United States can accommodate the mass migration of refugees while guarding against nefarious actors and combating terrorism at home and abroad.
Professors David Martin and John Harrison
March 2, 2015
Professors David Martin and John Harrison discuss executive amnesty in regards to immigration during a talk at the University of Virginia School of Law on Feb. 26, 2015. As principal deputy general counsel of the Department of Homeland Security from January 2009 to December 2010, and as general counsel to the Immigration and Naturalization Service from 1995 to 1998, Martin was closely involved in critical legal and policy developments in the immigration field. Harrison, an expert in administrative law, constitutional law and federal courts, worked with the Department of Justice from 1983-93
Doris Meissner
October 30, 2014
Doris Meissner, senior fellow at the Migration Policy Institute and former commissioner of the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service, was the keynote speaker at "The Future of Immigration Enforcement" symposium at the University of Virginia School of Law on Oct. 24, 2014.
David Martin and Laura Lichter
February 20, 2013
At the Virginia Journal of Social Policy & the Law's 2013 symposium, "Theory and Practice," UVA law professor David Martin and American Immigration Lawyers Association President Laura Lichter discuss immigration reform in a talk moderated by UVA law professor Kerry Abrams.
John Harrison and Kerry Abrams
September 10, 2012
UVA Law professors Kerry Abrams, Anne Coughlin, John Harrison and David Martin discuss the implications of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision on Arizona's controversial immigration law.
John Morton
February 7, 2012
The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency is "redefining" its approach to enforcing the nation's immigration laws by targeting its efforts at specific groups of illegal immigrants, ICE Director John Morton said Monday at the University of Virginia School of Law.
Ilya Shapiro
September 14, 2011
Professor David Martin debated Arizona's immigration law with Ilya Shapiro on Wednesday.
Peter Vincent
September 7, 2011
U.S. immigration policy is at a crossroads, said Peter Vincent ’95, a senior immigration official who spoke at the University of Virginia School of Law on Monday.
David Fathi
October 20, 2009
David Fathi, director of Human Rights Watch's U.S. Program, spoke to students at the Law School on Tuesday during an event sponsored by the Immigration Law and Human Rights programs.
Mary Bauer
February 9, 2008
Law School alumna Mary Bauer’s message to students at the Conference on Public Service and the Law last Saturday was not one of personal sacrifice, but of personal fulfillment. She encouraged students to choose a career path that will truly make them happy—and earning loads of money is no substitute.
Marshall Fitz
November 6, 2006
The recent enactment of legislation designed to fund a fence across the southern U.S. border has not stalled lawmakers and immigrant rights’ advocates who are seeking alternate improvements to the nation’s immigration policies, panelists said.