Video & Audio

September 7, 2010
James Ridgway '97, a member of the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims Bar Association Board of Governors, gave a presentation on the work of the USCAVC and discussed internship and postgraduate opportunities in the field of veterans affairs.
Janet Napolitano
April 15, 2010
Spending time in private law practice before turning to public service is a legal tradition that goes back to the University of Virginia’s founder, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano ‘83 told Law School students Tuesday.
Jim Donovan
April 12, 2010
Jim Donovan of Goldman Sachs, an adjunct professor, discusses common traits of the best lawyers during a Career Services event.
April 9, 2010
Shawn Pompian '00 recently discussed the State Department's Attorney Honors Program at a Public Service Center event.
April 9, 2010
Ron Rosenberg '99, special assistant in the Office of Refugee, Asylum and International Operations at the Department of Homeland Security, spoke about the agency's work and career and internship opportunities.
March 18, 2010
Don Carroll '71, director of the North Carolina Lawyer Assistance Program, and Kate Gibson, J.D. and Psy.D., a psychologist at the Elson Student Health Center, discussed stress in law school and the profession at an event sponsored by the Office of Student Affairs.
March 18, 2010
James Ridgway '97, a member of the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims Bar Association Board of Governors, gave a presentation on the work of the USCAVC and discussed internship and postgraduate opportunities in the field of veterans affairs.
Debra Bowen
March 3, 2010
California Secretary of State Debra Bowen traced her path from private to public service and discussed how her career has been shaped by technology’s effect on democracy during her keynote address at the Conference on Public Service and the Law on Saturday.
February 24, 2010
Jonathan Rusch, the deputy chief for strategy and policy in the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice's Fraud Section, discussed transitioning from law school to practice during an event at the Law School on Feb. 24.
Tim Heaphy
December 4, 2009
Tim Heaphy ‘91 was sworn in as the U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Virginia on Friday at the Law School.
John Monahan
November 23, 2009
Professor John Monahan recently spoke at an alumni meeting about his landmark survey of the Class of 1990. During the lecture, Monahan presented detailed data on his survey results, covering issues such as professional satisfaction, salary and gender inequality.
November 12, 2009
Rohit Kumar '00, domestic policy director for U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell, described his work on Capitol Hill during an Outside the Box lunch Thursday at the Law School.
October 28, 2009
Human rights attorneys Elizabeth Amory '01 (U.S. State Department), Mark Bromley '95 (founder and council chair, Council for Global Equality) and Susan Sajadi '05 (Burke O'Neil) discussed their careers at a lunch-time talk Monday.
Paul Tagliabue
September 28, 2009
Law students should embrace globalization as it erases the world’s borders, former NFL Commissioner Paul Tagliabue said at the Law School on Thursday.
Jonathan Rusch
March 25, 2009
Jonathan Rusch '80, deputy chief of the U.S. Department of Justice Fraud Section, advises students on how to navigate the professional world following graduation.
Susan Butler Plum
March 24, 2009
Skadden program administrator Susan Butler Plum spoke to students March 24. The Skadden Fellowship Foundation provides funding for law students who wish to devote their professional lives to providing legal services to the poor, the elderly, the homeless and the disabled.
February 23, 2009
Keenan, president-elect of the Washington, D.C., Bar spoke about life after law school during a lunch sponsored by the Black Law Students Association. Keenan is currently the principal of the Keenan Firm in Washington, D.C., where her practice has focused on complex medical malpractice litigation and litigation consulting....
November 5, 2008
Hogan & Hartson partners Catherine Stetson '94 and Chris Handman offer advice on how to write an appellate brief.
David Lat
October 16, 2008
Law students have reason to be concerned about the economy, but should be able to weather the storm if they thoroughly research the firms that offer them jobs, said David Lat, the influential blogger who launched Above the Law and Underneath Their Robes.
John Monahan
April 2, 2008
A glass-half-empty philosophy seems to pay off for law students, Professor John Monahan discovered to his surprise after a study nearly two decades ago.“In law school, it turns out, pessimists do better than optimists,” Monahan told a crowd of more than 100 students, faculty, and former students Wednesday.
February 25, 2008
Attorneys from Dewey & LeBoeuf LLP and the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law speak about their experience serving the public interest while working in the private sector.
February 21, 2008
Representatives from Beecroft & Bull and J. Crew present the basics of dressing for a professional environment and the finer points of dressing for an interview.
Mary Bauer
February 9, 2008
Law School alumna Mary Bauer’s message to students at the Conference on Public Service and the Law last Saturday was not one of personal sacrifice, but of personal fulfillment. She encouraged students to choose a career path that will truly make them happy—and earning loads of money is no substitute.
Anne Milgram
February 8, 2008
New Jersey Attorney General Anne Milgram told students to follow their own career paths in her opening address to the ninth annual Conference on Public Service and the Law Feb. 8 at the Law School.