Professor Frederick Kellogg's recent book, Pragmatism, Logic and Law, is hard to describe. It lacks a clear over-arching argument or narrative account, consisting instead of a series of disparate insights and observations. Nevertheless, a theme emerges from it that is both real and important. The book may be best described as an interpretation and endorsement of a particular version of legal pragmatism, one attributed to Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. Professor Kellogg has written four other books on Holmes, and this book continues the theme. He argues that early in his career Holmes drew on his knowledge of the common law in wrestling with fundamental philosophical issues, such as the problem of induction and the nature of scientific inquiry more broadly.

Charles Barzun, Pragmatism, Logic and Law. By Kellogg, Frederick. (reviewing Frederick Kellogg, Pragmatism, Logic and Law) 55 Law and Society Review 681–683 (2021).
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