Video & Audio

Professor Nelson Lund of George Mason School of Law and UVA Law professors Toby Heytens and Gordon Hylton
November 23, 2015
Professor Nelson Lund of George Mason School of Law and UVA Law professors Toby Heytens and Gordon Hylton discuss an article co-authored by Professor Lund that lays out four ideas for fixing what he sees as a problem of judicial celebrity — a problem that he says negatively impacts the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court.
Professor Saikrishna Prakash
November 2, 2015
Professor Saikrishna Prakash, an expert in presidential powers, talks about his new book, "Imperial from the Beginning: The Constitution of the Original Executive," during a talk for Alumni Board and Council members.
Professor Kim Forde-Mazrui
October 8, 2015
UVA Law professors Douglas Laycock and Kim Forde-Mazrui discuss the implications of Obergefell v. Hodges, the U.S. Supreme Court case holding that same-sex couples have a right to marry under the Due Process Clause and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution.
Professors A. E. Dick Howard, Kerry Abrams, Frederick Schauer and Risa Goluboff
September 24, 2015
Professors A. E. Dick Howard, Kerry Abrams, Frederick Schauer and Risa Goluboff discuss key cases from the recent U.S. Supreme Court term and look ahead to the coming year.
Saikrishna Prakash
June 10, 2015
The modern president is often criticized when he wields executive power without seeking congressional approval, but a new book by University of Virginia School of Law professor Saikrishna Prakash says that type of autonomy is very much in keeping with how the role of the executive was conceived.
Professor A. E. Dick Howard
May 9, 2015
Professor A. E. Dick Howard speaks to UVA Law alumni on the importance of the Magna Carta to today's legal traditions during 2015 Alumni Weekend.
Trevor Lovell and Nate Bilhartz
April 23, 2015
The 86th annual William Minor Lile Moot Court Competition features third-year law students Trevor Lovell and Nate Bilhartz (representing the petitioner) and Rhett Ricard and Brett Rector (for the respondent). Judges Thomas Griffith '85 of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, Roy McLeese of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals, and Judge Pamela Reeves of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Tennessee preside.
Dahlia Lithwick
April 14, 2015
Dahlia Lithwick, a senior editor at Slate who covers the U.S. Supreme Court, spoke about gender representation and the four women who have been justices. Lithwick is writing a book on the subject.
Timothy Jost
March 23, 2015
Professors Timothy Jost, from Washington and Lee University School of Law, and Mimi Riley of the University of Virginia School of Law discussed the upcoming Supreme Court case King v. Burwell.
Richard Goldstone
March 19, 2015
Richard Goldstone, an adjunct professor at UVA Law, is the former chief prosecutor of the U.N. international criminal tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda. He served as a judge in South Africa for 23 years, the last nine as a justice of the Constitutional Court.
Judge Diarmuid O'Scannlain
March 11, 2015
Judge Diarmuid O'Scannlain discusses how the U.S. constitutional structure affects the work of a federal judge.
U.S. Judge Jed Rakoff
February 27, 2015
U.S. Judge Jed Rakoff, a leading critic of sentencing guidelines, the death penalty, and the Securities and Exchange Commission's non-prosecution agreements with companies in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, discusses abolishing federal sentencing guidelines.
Dan Ortiz
February 20, 2015
At the Supreme Court on Tuesday, University of Virginia law professor Daniel Ortiz will argue a case at the intersection of criminal and property law involving felons' rights to own or sell non-contraband firearms.
Douglas Laycock
October 13, 2014
University of Virginia School of Law professor Douglas Laycock discusses Holt v. Hobbs, the religious liberty case he argued Oct. 7 before the Supreme Court. Laycock represented an Arkansas inmate who seeks to wear a beard, in accordance with his Muslim faith. Professor Micah Schwartzman provides additional commentary on the case.
Barbara Armacost
October 1, 2014
University of Virginia School of Law professors A. E. Dick Howard, Barbara E Armacost, Michael D Gilbert and Douglas Laycock analyze and discuss the most important Supreme Court decisions of the past term, including cases involving police searches, campaign finance regulation and religious freedom.
Bob Bauer
April 11, 2014
Bob Bauer and Ben Ginsburg, co-chairs of the Presidential Commission on Elections, discuss their recent report on voting issues.
Marcia Coyle
April 8, 2014
Marcia Coyle, the chief Washington correspondent for The National Law Journal, a national weekly newspaper that covers law and litigation, delivered the Henry J. Abraham Distinguished Lecture on April 4, 2014, at the University of Virginia School of Law.
VLR Centennial Panel
April 3, 2014
UVA Law professor Paul B. Stephan, an expert in international business and legal systems, moderated a March 28 discussion at the University of Virginia School of Law on the article "The Law of Nations as Constitutional Law," which was published by the Virginia Law Review in 2012.
Barbara Armacost
March 24, 2014
UVA Law Professors Barbara E. Armacost, Douglas Laycock and Richard C. Schragger give their take on the Hobby Lobby contraceptive case before the Supreme Court.
Kelly Abrams and Nancy Polikoff
February 26, 2014
Professors Kerry Abrams and Deborah Hellman of the University of Virginia School of Law and professor Nancy Polikoff of the American University Washington College of Law spoke at UVA Law on Feb. 19 regarding the impact of United States v. Windsor.
Douglas Laycock
November 26, 2013
University of Virginia law professor Douglas Laycock discusses Town of Greece v. Galloway, a U.S. Supreme Court case he argued in November 2013 that may clarify the legal limits on public prayer in government meetings across the country. His talk was sponsored the Law Christian Fellowship and the Secular Legal Society.
Dahlia Lithwick
November 12, 2013
Dahlia Lithwick, senior editor and legal correspondent for Slate, discusses the changing nature of covering the U.S. Supreme Court in a talk at UVA Law sponsored by the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy.
Risa Goluboff
November 12, 2013
University of Virginia School of Law professor Risa Goluboff explores the ways constitutional change can happen during a lecture marking her appointment as John Allan Love Professor of Law.
Kim Forde-Mazrui
November 5, 2013
UVA law professor Kim Forde-Mazrui discusses how the government looks at racial inequality during a Oct. 31, 2013, lecture marking his appointment as Mortimer M. Caplin Professor of Law. His talk was titled "The Canary-Blind Constitution: Must Government Ignore Racial Inequality?"
Michael J. Klarman
October 7, 2013
Michael J. Klarman of Harvard Law School offers a revision of the conventional understanding of the drafting and ratification of the U.S. Constitution during the McCorkle Lecture at the University of Virginia School of Law.