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Tom Goldstein
September 28, 2006
Tom Goldstein didn't blog his way to the top—it took hard work and some fortunate connections for the founder of the SCOTUSBlog and head of the Supreme Court practice at Akin to land where he is now.
Kerry Abrams
September 25, 2006
The proposed Marshall-Newman Amendment to Virginia's state constitution has powerful implications for families—but not in a positive way, panelists said Sept. 18.
Lillian BeVier
September 20, 2006
Despite two new members, including a new chief justice, the Supreme Court is still sharply divided on several key issues, said professors at the annual review of the Court’s term Sept. 13. Panelists covered cases on political redistricting, free speech, criminal law, administrative law, and national security at the event.
Paul Stephan
September 13, 2006
After a toughly worded opinion from the Supreme Court slapping down the Bush administration’s detention of terrorism suspects without criminal charges, the president’s response, a Military Commissions Bill, also looks problematic.
Akhil Amar
March 29, 2006
The Constitution was far more democratic, slavocratic, geostrategically motivated and unfinished at its inception than contemporary wisdom often suggests, Yale Law School Professor Akhil Amar explained during a panel discussion of his most recent book, America’s Constitution: A Biography.
September 6, 2005
The 2005 Supreme Court Roundup