Video & Audio

Frederick Schauer
February 4, 2020
The Supreme Court took on New York Times Co. v. Sullivan in 1964, in part, to protect the civil rights movement. But did justices go too far in making libel hard to prove? UVA Law professor Frederick Schauer explains new concerns.
Manal Cheema, Mary-Rose Papandrea, Emily Gold Waldman and Timothy Zick
January 24, 2020
UVA Law student Manal Cheema ’20, University of North Carolina School of Law professor Mary-Rose Papandrea, Pace University Elisabeth Haub School of Law professor Emily Gold Waldman and William & Mary Law School professor Timothy Zick discuss the status of student rights 50 years after the landmark Supreme Court ruling in Tinker v. Des Moines . UVA Law professor Kimberly Robinson moderated the panel, which was part of the Virginia Law Review symposium “Speech Inside the Schoolhouse Gates: 50 Years After Tinker v. Des Moines ,” supported by the Karsh Center for Law and Democracy.
Frederick Schauer
January 24, 2020
Professor Frederick Schauer discusses the state of student free speech rights 50 years after the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case Tinker v. Des Moines . His speech was part of the Virginia Law Review symposium “Speech Inside the Schoolhouse Gates: 50 Years After Tinker v. Des Moines ,” supported by the Karsh Center for Law and Democracy.
Mary Anne Franks, LaTarndra Strong, Susan Kruth and Anna Cecile Pepper
January 24, 2020
University of Miami School of Law professor Mary Anne Franks, Susan Kruth of FIRE, UVA Law student Anna Cecile Pepper ’21 and LaTarndra Strong of the Hate-Free Schools Coalition discuss the balance between protecting speech and protecting the learning environment. UVA Law professor Richard Schragger moderated the panel, which was part of the Virginia Law Review symposium “Speech Inside the Schoolhouse Gates: 50 Years After Tinker v. Des Moines,” supported by the Karsh Center for Law and Democracy.
Kimberly Robinson
December 10, 2019
UVA Law professor Kimberly Jenkins Robinson discusses her chapter in the recent book, “A Federal Right to Education: Fundamental Questions for Our Democracy,” which she edited for NYU Press. Robinson says Congress could work with states and localities in an incremental fashion to close opportunity gaps. Robinson is the Elizabeth D. and Richard A. Merrill Professor of Law and a senior research fellow at the Learning Policy Institute.
Kimberly Robinson
December 10, 2019
UVA Law professor Kimberly Jenkins Robinson foresees new fights at the Supreme Court as litigants seek fairness in public school funding across the nation. Her new book, “A Federal Right to Education: Fundamental Questions for Our Democracy,” is published by NYU Press. Robinson is the Elizabeth D. and Richard A. Merrill Professor of Law and a senior research fellow at the Learning Policy Institute.
George Rutherglen
November 12, 2019
UVA Law professor George Rutherglen discusses the continuing relevance of admiralty law in current controversies in international law.
Kimberly Robinson
November 12, 2019
The Supreme Court said the Constitution didn’t guarantee a right to education in the 1973 case San Antonio Independent School District v. Rodriguez, but litigation aiming for equity continues, as UVA Law professor Kimberly Robinson explains.
G. Edward White speaks at Board and Council luncheon
November 8, 2019
UVA Law professor G. Edward White, author of the three-part “Law in American History” series, discusses the changes he’s seen over his 50-year career publishing books in legal history, and the impact of how citations are counted. White served as the lunch speaker during an Alumni Board and Council luncheon.
Ashley Deeks and John Harrison
November 7, 2019
Professors Ashley Deeks and John Harrison discuss impeachment and national security. Their discussion centered around the implications for those powers for the presidency, especially with respect to matters of national security. Professor Micah Schwartzman ’05 introduces the discussion. This event is the third of a planned three-part series on impeachment hosted by the Karsh Center for Law and Democracy.
Kimberly Robinson and Richard Schragger
November 5, 2019
UVA Law professors and members of the Academic Placement Committee Kimberly J. Robinson and Richard C. Schragger discuss careers in teaching law and answer questions about the path to becoming a law professor.
Deborah Hellman and Michael Gilbert
October 31, 2019
Professors Deborah Hellman and Michael Gilbert discuss how agreed-upon meanings of terms like “corruption” and “bribery” will have an impact on how impeachment proceedings could play out. Professor Micah Schwartzman ’05 introduces the discussion. This event is the second of a planned three-part series on impeachment hosted by the Karsh Center for Law and Democracy.
Cynthia Nicoletti
October 29, 2019
A Union effort to redistribute land to former slaves during the Civil War unraveled because of the efforts of Southern lawyers, UVA Law professor Cynthia Nicoletti explains.
George Geis
October 28, 2019
The John W. Glynn, Jr. Law & Business Program builds a bridge between law school and the real challenges encountered in business law practice. The program integrates business and legal analysis into the law school classroom, to prepare students to serve their future clients from day one.
Frederick Schauer and Saikrishna Prakash
October 21, 2019
Professors Frederick Schauer and Saikrishna Prakash discuss impeachment, including what the impeachment clauses and powers delegated to Congress are, what the implications of these powers are for the presidency and what offenses fall within the scope of impeachment. Professor Micah Schwartzman ’05 introduces the discussion. This event is the first of a planned three-part series on impeachment hosted by the Karsh Center for Law and Democracy.
G. Edward White
October 15, 2019
As World War II made clear, the United States needed to step up on civil liberties and civil rights to take on the Soviet Union, UVA Law professor G. Edward White explains.
Victoria Nourse, G. Edward White and Charles Barzun
October 11, 2019
A panel of scholars discuss UVA Law professor G. Edward White’s final volume in his “Law in American History” series. The panel included professors Jack Landman Goldsmith, Harvard Law School; Laura Kalman, University of California, Santa Barbara; and Victoria Nourse, Georgetown University Law Center. UVA Law professor Charles Barzun served as moderator, and Dean Risa Goluboff introduced the panel.
Leslie Kendrick, Dayna Matthew, Saikrishna Prakash, Micah Schwartzman, Ashley Deeks and George Geis
October 11, 2019
UVA Law professors Ashley S. Deeks, George S. Geis, Dayna Bowen Matthew ’87, Saikrishna Prakash and Micah J. Schwartzman ’05 provide an overview of their latest work. Vice Dean Leslie Kendrick ’06 moderates the panel. This event was part of a “Back to School Night” for returning UVA Law alumni during UVA’s Honor the Future capital campaign kickoff.
Kim Forde-Mazrui and George Rutherglen
October 8, 2019
UVA Law professors Kim Forde-Mazrui and George Rutherglen discuss major developments in employment discrimination law, as the Supreme Court considers whether Title VII of the Civil Rights Act protects employees from discrimination based on their sexual orientation. The event was sponsored by the Virginia Employment and Labor Law Association, and the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy.
Brian Cannon, Richard Schragger and Leslie Kendrick
October 2, 2019
UVA Law professors A. E. Dick Howard, Richard Schragger and Vice Dean Leslie Kendrick, along with Brian Cannon, executive director at OneVirginia2021, discuss the last term’s most influential and important Supreme Court cases, and preview what’s ahead. The event was sponsored by the Student Legal Forum.
Sarah Milov
October 1, 2019
After the U.S. surgeon general released a landmark report on the dangers of smoking, lawyers and activists helped curb a public health epidemic, UVA historian Sarah Milov explains.
Risa Goluboff and Leslie Kendrick
September 25, 2019
The second season of “Common Law” explores pivotal moments when law — and lawyers — changed the world. Hosts Risa Goluboff and Leslie Kendrick look back at turning points that shed light on the world today and how we got here. Tune in Oct. 1 for the first episode.
Molly Bishop Shadel
August 28, 2019
Professor Molly Bishop Shadel, author of "Finding Your Voice in Law School: Mastering Classroom Cold Calls, Job Interviews and Other Verbal Challenges,” shares her five tips for law school success.
Risa Goluboff
August 19, 2019
UVA Law Dean Risa Goluboff kicked off orientation for the Class of 2022 with words of advice for new students.
John Harrison, Sarah Stewart Ware, Anne Coughlin and George Geis
August 16, 2019
UVA Law professors John Harrison (Torts, Civil Procedure), George Geis (Contracts), Anne Coughlin (Criminal Law) and Sarah Stewart Ware (Legal Writing) introduce the Class of 2022 to the 1L curriculum during orientation.