Video & Audio

Timothy W. Finchem
May 18, 2008
Members of the Class of 2008 should be passionate about what they do in life, PGA Tour Commissioner Timothy W. Finchem ’73 said during commencement Sunday in Memorial Gymnasium. Normally held on the Law School’s Holcombe Green Lawn, the ceremony moved indoors due to inclement weather.
Michael Hollander and Rebecca Mroz
April 25, 2008
Michael Hollander and Rebecca Mroz, winners of the 2008 Lile Moot Court competition, talk about what it was like to argue on behalf of the United States against a fictional appellant who had pleaded guilty to a felony charge of tampering with evidence.
Michael Collins
April 22, 2008
Professor Michael Collins delivered the annual Charge to the Class April 22 in Caplin Pavilion.
Risa Goluboff
April 8, 2008
A panel sponsored by the Center for the Study of Race and Law discusses Law School Professor Risa Goluboff's new book, "The Lost Promise of Civil Rights." Panelists include Goluboff; Danny Greenberg of Schulte, Roth & Zabel LLP; and Professor Tomiko Brown-Nagin.
Michael Hollander and Rebecca Mroz
March 29, 2008
In the minutes leading up to the final round of the 79th Annual William Minor Lile Moot Court Competition, teammates Rebecca Mroz and Michael Hollander practiced their arguments together one final time before delivering them in front of three federal appeals court judges.
J. Harvie Wilkinson III
March 28, 2008
Judges are too often nominated for how they view today’s hot political issues rather than for their overall decision-making abilities, said J. Harvie Wilkinson III ’72, a judge on the Fourth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
Past libel show cast members
March 12, 2008
It started as a fraternity hazing ritual on the steps of the Rotunda more than a century ago, but the Law School’s annual Libel Show has retained its mission of lampooning faculty, the administration, and law school culture.
February 12, 2008
Rev. Barry Lynn, president of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, and Jeffrey Ventrella, vice-president of the Alliance Defense Fund, debate church and state issues.
A. E. Dick Howard
September 21, 2007
The 6th annual Supreme Court Round-Up, sponsored by the Student Legal Forum, played to a packed Caplin Pavilion audience and featured a panel of Law School professors moderated by Professor A.E. Dick Howard.
Oliver Hill Jr.
September 17, 2007
The late Oliver W. Hill Sr., esteemed civil rights attorney, was honored for his integral role in the civil rights movement at a Law School event Sept. 13 in Caplin Pavilion.
John Jeffries
August 21, 2007
Dean John C. Jeffries, Jr. welcomed the Class of 2009 at orientation Aug. 20.
August 21, 2007
Louise Sams '85, president of Turner Broadcasting System International, welcomed the Class of 2010 at orientation Aug. 20.
Janet Napolitano
May 22, 2007
To be successful in today’s legal world, lawyers must be able to master the rapid changes that accompany progress, said Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano at Sunday’s commencement ceremony at the Law School.
Jim Ryan
April 24, 2007
Professor Jim Ryan gave the annual Charge to the Class April 24 in Caplin Pavilion to students who will be graduating this spring.
Lillian BeVier
September 20, 2006
Despite two new members, including a new chief justice, the Supreme Court is still sharply divided on several key issues, said professors at the annual review of the Court’s term Sept. 13. Panelists covered cases on political redistricting, free speech, criminal law, administrative law, and national security at the event.
John Grisham
September 19, 2006
Best-selling author and Charlottesville-area resident John Grisham spoke to a riveted audience at the Law School Sept. 14 about the troubled story behind his latest—and first nonfiction—book, "The Innocent Man."
August 24, 2006
The Hon. John Charles Thomas '75, former Virginia Supreme Court justice and now partner at Hunton & Williams, welcomed the Class of 2009 at orientation Aug. 21.
John Jeffries
August 24, 2006
Dean John C. Jeffries, Jr. welcomed the Class of 2009 at orientation Aug. 21.
David Baldacci
May 21, 2006
The Class of 2006 faces tough challenges ahead and should “go out and shake up the world,” said best-selling author David Baldacci during his commencement address at the Law School May 20.
John Jeffries
May 8, 2006
Dean John C. Jeffries Jr. '73 delivered his annual State of the Law School address to alumni in town for Reunion Weekend May 6.
Anne Coughlin
April 27, 2006
Professor Anne Coughlin delivers the annual Charge to the Class, an inspirational speech to graduating students.
Sen. Edward Kennedy
March 18, 2006
Public service lawyers are the perfect models for how to face the decisive issues of the 21st century while upholding the values and ideas of the Constitution, said Sen. Edward M. Kennedy.
May 22, 2005
U.S. Senator Evan Bayh '81 Speaks at Commencement
February 28, 2005
Justice Stephen Breyer, Supreme Court of t he United States , speaks at the Fifth Annual Conference on Public Service & the Law