University of Virginia law professor Ruth Mason has been named national reporter for the United States at the 2014 Congress of the European Association of Tax Law Professors, an organization of professors teaching tax law at universities in Europe.

Mason, an expert in international and comparative taxation who joined UVA Law's faculty over the summer, will serve as national reporter with New York University Professor Josh Blank at the organization's annual meeting in the spring to discuss international tax law.

"Renewed global efforts to curb tax secrecy and tax evasion by individuals represent a crucial area of international tax policy-making, so I am privileged to be able to serve, with Josh Blank, as national reporter for the United States to the EATLP Congress on that topic," Mason said.

Mason and Blank will co-author a report on the exchange of tax information and cooperation between countries, and will explore the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, a 2010 federal law that targets tax noncompliance by U.S. taxpayers with foreign accounts.

"Our contribution will focus primarily on FATCA, which is probably the most important domestic law development for advancing tax information-reporting and is already serving as a model for other countries, even before its effective date," Mason said.

Mason and Blank will present their paper at the organization's annual congress at Koç University in Istanbul in May.


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