Video & Audio

Risa Goluboff, Deirdre Enright and John Grisham
February 28, 2019
Best-selling author John Grisham and UVA Law Innocence Project Director Deirdre Enright discuss the latest on innocence cases, forensics and the future of criminal justice. This is the first episode of “Common Law's” first season on the future of law.
Risa Goluboff and Leslie Kendrick Host 'Common Law'
February 26, 2019
Though much divides us these days, there are still some things we all share in common. One of them is law. In “Common Law,” a new podcast sponsored by the University of Virginia School of Law, Dean Risa Goluboff and Vice Dean Leslie Kendrick explore how law shapes society, how we shape law and why we should all care.
Pamela Harris, Dahlia Lithwick and Anne Coughlin
February 25, 2019
Judge Pamela Harris of the Fourth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and Slate Editor Dahlia Lithwick discussed sexual harassment in the judiciary. Professor Anne Coughlin moderated the discussion. Dean Risa Goluboff introduced the panel.
Matthew Fass
February 19, 2019
Matthew Fass ’93, president of Maritime Products International, talked about how small and midsize corporations are handling issues of corporate responsibility. His speech was the keynote address for a symposium on “The Corporate Dilemma: Balancing Social Responsibility and Profitability Across Borders,” hosted by the Virginia Journal of International Law and the J.B. Moore Society of International Law.
Larry Krasner
February 8, 2019
Larry Krasner, Philadelphia’s district attorney, discusses his efforts to address issues of mass incarceration. He encouraged law students to get involved in the progressive prosecutor movement. His speech was the keynote address of the 2019 Shaping Justice conference at UVA Law. Dean Risa Goluboff introduced Krasner.
J. Travis Laster
February 1, 2019
J. Travis Laster ’95, vice chancellor of the Delaware Court of Chancery, discusses his experiences overseeing legal disputes in an age of increasing shareholder activism from mutual funds, hedge funds and corporate activists. The Delaware Court of Chancery is widely recognized as the pre-eminent forum for corporate legal disputes, because the majority of U.S. businesses are incorporated in the state. His speech was the keynote for the conference “A View From the Boardroom: Directors in an Era of Activism.”
Kim Ferzan
November 30, 2018
UVA Law professor Kimberly Kessler Ferzan discusses some of the philosophical problems she explores in her new book “Reflections on Crime and Culpability: Problems and Puzzles.”
Frederick Schauer
November 9, 2018
UVA Law professors Frederick Schauer and Saikrishna Prakash discuss the roles the U.S. Supreme Court and constitutional law play in American political discourse.
Douglas Gansler, Toby Heytens, Karl Racine and Herbert Slatery
September 26, 2018
Four alumni talk about their current and former roles leading their states' legal offices. Panelists include Douglas Gansler ’89, former attorney general of Maryland and president of the National Association of Attorneys General; Herbert Slatery (College ’74), attorney general of Tennessee; Karl Racine ’89, attorney general for the District of Columbia; and Professor Toby Heytens ’00, solicitor general of Virginia. Vice Dean Leslie Kendrick ’06 introduces the panel.
Howard, Coughlin, Ortiz and Schwartzman
September 25, 2018
Professors A. E. Dick Howard, Anne Coughlin, Daniel Ortiz and Micah Schwartzman discuss key cases from the 2017 U.S. Supreme Court term, and look ahead to the coming year.
Jim Ryan
August 11, 2018
On the one-year anniversary of the white supremacist attacks on Grounds, UVA President James E. Ryan ’92 urged the University to live up to its highest ideals.
Mark Nevitt
June 14, 2018
Mark P. Nevitt, a Sharswood Fellow and lecturer in law at the University of Pennsylvania Law School, discusses climate change and how it relates to national security. Nevitt, a former tactical jet aviator and attorney in the U.S. Navy, delivered his talk as part of the 26th National Security Law Institute hosted by the Center for National Security Law.
John Norton Moore
June 4, 2018
John Norton Moore, UVA Law professor and director of the Center for National Security Law, analyzes the complex nature of war. Moore’s talk was held as part of the 26th National Security Law Institute hosted by the Center for National Security Law.
George Geis
May 11, 2018
UVA Law professor George Geis spoke about how blockchain technology — the technology underlying Bitcoin transactions — could shake up more traditional asset markets.
Joe Charlet
April 20, 2018
Joe Charlet, a member of the Class of 2018, has thought a lot leading up to graduation about how others like him who were orphaned, or gay or black, may not have had similar opportunities.
Yoram Dinstein
March 22, 2018
Yoram Dinstein, a scholar and professor emeritus at Tel Aviv University, is a specialist on international law and a prominent authority on the laws of war. He gave the keynote address at the Jus ad Bellum conference following an introduction by UVA Law Dean Risa Goluboff.
Laura Donohue
March 22, 2018
Professor Laura Donohue of Georgetown Law School and UVA Law professor Robert Turner speak at the Jus ad Bellum conference. UVA Law professor John Norton Moore offers concluding remarks.
Jus ad Bellum and the International Court of Justice
March 22, 2018
UVA Law professor John Norton Moore moderates a panel at the Jus ad Bellum conference that includes retired Maj. Gen. Charles Dunlap Jr. of Duke Law School, Mike A. Newton of Vanderbilt University School of Law, and Edwin Williamson, former legal adviser at the U.S. Department of State.
Ashley Deeks
March 22, 2018
Professor Kenneth Anderson of the Washington College of Law at American University moderates a panel on the 2016 Obama administration report on the legal frameworks guiding the U.S. use of military force and related national security operations. The Jus ad Bellum conference panel includes professor Bobby Chesney of the University of Texas School of Law, UVA Law professor Ashley Deeks, and Rita Siemion, legal counsel at Human Rights First.
Anne Coughlin and Lester Jackson
March 15, 2018
Guest speaker Lester Jackson, a UVA employee, spoke to UVA Law professor Anne Coughlin's criminal investigation class about perceptions of the police in the African-American community.
Book Panel on Professor Brandon Garrett's "End of Its Rope"
February 22, 2018
Leading litigators and scholars discussed professor Brandon L. Garrett's new book, "End Of Its Rope: How Killing the Death Penalty Can Revive Criminal Justice." The book analyzes data on over two decades of death sentences to both explore causes of the decline in American death sentencing and its implications for the future of criminal justice reform. The panelists were death penalty lawyer David Bruck of Washington & Lee Law School; Robin Konrad of the Death Penalty Information Center; Evan Mandery of John Jay College and author of "A Wild Justice"; and Carol Steiker of Harvard Law School and the Criminal Justice Policy Program, and co-author of "Courting Justice." UVA Law professor Steve Braga served as moderator.
Colleen E. Roh Sinzdak
February 20, 2018
Colleen E. Roh Sinzdak, senior litigation associate at Hogan Lovells, describes her experiences working in immigration litigation from the perspective of a lawyer working for a big law firm. She has briefed, argued and won cases before multiple courts of appeals, including recent challenges to the Trump administration's "travel ban" executive orders. This speech was the keynote address of the Virginia Journal of International Law's 2018 symposium, "Immigration and Ideology: International Responses to Migration." Kevin Donovan, UVA Law senior assistant dean for career services, introduced Sinzdak.
Rep. A. Donald McEachin
February 19, 2018
U.S. Rep. A. Donald McEachin '86 spoke at UVA Law before receiving the inaugural UVA Black Law Students Association Alumni Spotlight Award. McEachin, who has represented Virginia's 4th Congressional District since 2017, spoke about his career in Virginia politics and gave advice for students interested in pursuing political careers. Dean Risa Goluboff introduced McEachin.
The State of Community Policing and the Future of Police Reform
February 6, 2018
Law enforcement experts critique community policing and police culture during a panel discussion at the Law School. Panelists include Chief Bernadette DiPino of the Sarasota, Florida, Police Department; Joe Brann, founder and CEO of Joseph Brann & Associates; professor Rachel Harmon; and Charles Ramsey, a former Philadelphia police commissioner and former chief of the Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Police. The panel was moderated by Timothy Longo, adjunct professor and senior program director of public safety administration at the UVA School of Continuing and Professional Studies. The event was sponsored by the School for Continuing and Professional Studies.
Anne Coughlin, Kimberly Ferzan and George Rutherglen
February 5, 2018
UVA Law student Kendall Burchard and professors Anne Coughlin, Kimberly Ferzan and George Rutherglen discuss the origins of the law of sexual harassment, its current state and its future. This event was part of Diversity Week at UVA Law.